
    Medical Transcription



We utilize a VoiceWare Server Dictation/Transcription Server, a combined dictation and transcription system that is capable of digital voice importing and re-recording, text storing and processing, and HL-7 connections to facility databases. VoiceWare Server's "never-lose-a-job" architecture performs job tracking from beginning of recording to return of finished transcription in one easy-to-manage screen. Dictation recordings, transcriptions, demographics, and quality assurance edits are all inseparably linked in a single database in a single server.

Recorded dictation can also be done using a handheld digital recorder or through the use of a computer and microphone. Digitally recorded dictations are imported into the dictation system to appear side-by-side with the telephonic dictations so that all dictations appear in one uniform location. Digital sound file types from Sony, Olympus, Dictaphone, DVI, Philips and over 100 others providers can be accommodated.

Bi-directional HL-7 interfaces are available to virtually all major EMR and EHR packages used by both government and private hospitals. HL-7 is the framework for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information. We will utilize this interface to retrieve patient demographic information and return transcriptions and updated demographics, as required, to the health care facility.


Web Based Access

WTT offers a SSL-secured web-based system that allows authorized personnel access to real time information on one or many jobs at any stage in the medical record life cycle from dictation to completion. Access to information can be customized for any level of user.

Users have the ability to run customized reports on productivity, turn around, billing, statistics, trends, productivity, and more. These reports can be saved to the facility’s computers for future use in the formats of PDF, Word or Excel.

This website allows dictators or medical editors the option to proofread their dictations online and correct any errors before the files are downloaded. Dictators proofreading from the website have the option to utilize an electronic signature if desired before the file is downloaded.

Remote Client

Larger facilities utilizing WTT’s VoiceWare server rather than their own dictation equipment can be allowed access via VoiceWare Server’s remote client over a VPN connection. This package allows similar access to the records as the Web Based Access but can allow greater control. The Web Access will monitor and report while the Remote Client can be customized to give the user the ability to change a dictation’s demographics, cancel a job or leave messages for WTT’s management and QA staff.


WTT’s Secure FTP server offers protected retrieval of client files for facilities that do not have automatic means of file retrieval. WinSSHD Server software is utilized and offers connections over a SFTP protocol. Software is certified as HIPAA compliant and if needed we offer a free, compliant client for connection to the server.


All audio and transcribed files are backed up daily. Backups are stored in a waterproof and fireproof secure device.

In the event our primary digital dictation equipment is unavailable, we have secondary dictation systems, which are running 24/7. All backup systems are secured in the same physical location as the primary dictation system and adhere to the same security requirements/configurations as the primary system. Once the primary system is restored, all jobs dictated into the secondary system will be transferred to the primary system so there is no discrepancy in job listing continuity. These backup systems utilize phone lines separate from the main dictation system to provide redundant access in case of a sustained outage to the primary lines.

All equipment has appropriate power surge/battery backup protection to ensure no fluctuation of power or loss of data. In the event of continued power loss, a generator is available to maintain power.

In the event of a sustained outage of the main Internet connection, secondary Internet connections are available to avoid any interruption in the ability of practitioners to dictate and to insure turnaround times are met.