
    Voice Recognition


Dictation transferred to WTT’s VoiceWare system is automatically assigned a job number for additional tracking purposes. The Editing queue is set up so that document editors receive the highest priority work types/oldest dictation prior to receiving longer turnaround time work-types.  Jobs designated as a STAT would automatically be brought to the front of the queue. The editors correct jobs individually to assure a timely and consistent flow of completed work back to the facility. No job skipping is allowed. The QA team runs dictation turnaround time reports 6 times a day to monitor outstanding dictation and ensure work consistently meets the specified turnaround times. If the QA team sees a job is coming close to exceeding turnaround time it can be manually assigned to ensure it is corrected and returned to the respective facility within turnaround time limits.

WTT guarantees turnaround time. If your report is not returned within the quoted timeframe it is free!